Vidyasagar Abasik Balika Vidyalaya
(High School)
Vill: Tamna, P.O: Simulia, Dist: Purulia
Phone : 8597980827 / 9732161419 / 22178545
1. Admission form of Class - V can be collected daily (excluding Sunday and Holidays) from 10 am to 4 pm on and from 8th to 30th November, 2021.
2. The last date of submission of application form: 30th November 2021.
3. Form can be submitted through website ( on the same schedule.
4. Application form: Rs. 100/-
Teaching and learning: Rs. 400 per month
Accommodation and Meals: Rs.1600 per month
Medical and laundry: Rs.700 per annum
Session Charge: Rs. 500 per annum
School Uniforms (2 sets): Rs. 1000
Development Fees: Rs 1000
(50% monthly fee will be charged if hostel is closed due to Covid 19 protocol )
Date of screening: 12th December 2021 at 11 am.
Call 8597980827 / 9732161419 for details information
(Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.).
Textbooks must be purchased from the school.
Special financial assistances are available for economically backward students.
A Special Fund has been maintained by the Vidyasagar Foundation.
Donation for maintaining this fund is accepted from individuals or organizations. Tax exemption is
available as per Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.